Jumat, 15 Mei 2015

Aspiration Day

AspiDay or Aspiration Day is the day that students of 3 Senior High School Bandung can launch their aspiration to officials of 3 SHS. We can complain about curicullum, teacher, facilities and infrastructure. Aspiration day were quite crowded. There was Kanst which kept students for not to come out school.

Aspiration day lasted for 3 days. There was Mr Encang as principal and Mr Irvan who watch aspiday in the first line.The first day, Mr Encang opened Aspiday. He gave speech to us. Mr Encang hit gong as a sign that aspiday opened. Teh Nada as the leader of Aspiday and Kang Kevin as the leader of PK gave speech too. In that speech, they explained  about the function of Aspiday.  There was performance from LSS. Nadhira is the singer of LSS, She sang a song well. Aji as presenter ask Nadhira what is Aspiration and what is her aspiation for 3 SHS. Nadhira answered, Aspiration is hope, and her aspiration for 3 SHS is, she asked the teacher more diligent to come to the class. After that there was a movie from MP3. That movie told aspiday can resolve students's problem like curicullum, teacher, facilities and infrastructure. Dandy and Elma was the captain of that movie. There was also KPA performer, there were my friends, Arina, Rora, Fanny, Dilla and Jihan. I always love KPA performer. KPA always shows the best (y). Not only performance, but also Stand up comedy competition. The competition was fun. The jury of stand up comedy is Kang Muzakki and Kang Fakhry, last year Kang Muzakki is the winner of stand up comedy. I forgot all the participant, i just remember Imam, Fadhil G., Davy, Sulthan, Iqbal N., and Rifdhan. The participant who went ahead to the final were Imam and Fadhil, CONGRATS. The first day were closed by KV performance. That performance was the first time KV 2017 performed.
This picture was taken by Salsal

This picture was taken by Salsal

This picture was taken by Salsal

This picture was taken by Salsal

This picture was taken by Salsal

The second day was more crowded than the first day. There were games, and Obake House. Obake House is haunted house from Ts't. I didn't come to Obake House, because I must pay Rp. 5000 :(. The second day was opened by stand up comedy competition. Fadhil as the first performer. He made the joke with good gesture. Imam as the second performer was good too but he forgot one of the joking material. It's okay is not too serious competition. Stand up comedy competition was closed by Kang Muzakki performer. Wait the winner announcement. There was MK permformance . I forgot all the member who performed, but there was surprise because Kang Luqman suddenly appear from backstage and sang a song. Aspiday day 2 was closed by the winner of stand up comedy announcement. The  winner is Fadhil G. CONGRATS.

The third day is "Lapas", "Lapas" is abbreviation from Laporan Pertanggungjawaban Siswa. "Lapas" is the program that student can complain to school official about school shortage which must fixed. "Lapas" just was attended by representation. Arina and Sefa was the representation from my class, X IPA 3.

Minggu, 03 Mei 2015


"Marry Your Daughter"
(Source: Youtube)

Sir, I'm a bit nervous
'Bout being here today
Still not real sure what I'm going to say
So bare with me please
If I take up too much of your time,
See in this box is a ring for your oldest
She's my everything and all that I know is
It would be such a relief if I knew that we were on the same side
Very soon I'm hoping that I...

Can marry your daughter
And make her my wife
I want her to be the only girl that I love for the rest of my life
And give her the best of me 'till the day that I die, yeah
I'm gonna marry your princess
And make her my queen
She'll be the most beautiful bride that I've ever seen
Can't wait to smile
When she walks down the aisle
On the arm of her father
On the day that I marry your daughter

She's been hear every step
Since the day that we met (I'm scared to death to think of what would happen if she ever left)
So don't you ever worry about me ever treating her bad
I've got most of my vows done so far (So bring on the better or worse)
And till death do us part
There's no doubt in my mind
It's time
I'm ready to start
I swear to you with all of my heart...

I'm gonna marry your daughter
And make her my wife
I want her to be the only girl that I love for the rest of my life
And give her the best of me 'till the day that I die, yeah
I'm gonna marry your princess
And make her my queen
She'll be the most beautiful bride that I've ever seen
I can't wait to smile
As she walks down the aisle
On the arm of her father
On the day that I marry your daughter

The first time I saw her
I swear I knew that I'd say I do
I'm gonna marry your daughter
And make her my wife
I want her to be the only girl that I love for the rest of my life
And give her the best of me 'till the day that I die
I'm gonna marry your princess
And make her my queen
She'll be the most beautiful bride that I've ever seen
I can't wait to smile
As she walks down the aisle
On the arm of her father
On the day that I marry your daughter
The Review: 

This  song was written and sung by Brian Mcknight. Brian Mcknight is singer and song writer.  Marry your daughter song is very touching. This song tells about a man who wants to marry his girl. Before he marry his girl, He ask permission to girl’s father. He is little bit nervous, but he is sure want to marry his daughter.

Sir, I'm a bit nervous
'Bout being here today
Still not real sure what I'm going to say
So bare with me please
If I take up too much of your time”

The touching part is he promises to love the girl forever. He want that girl to be the one and only I want her to be the only girl that I'll love for the rest of my life”. He also want to make the girl happy  “And give her the best of me 'til the day that I die, yeah” . He make the girl to be his queen, to be special, and always special.  He said to her father that she is his everything and all. To show his seriosness, he brings a ring to  show to the girl’s father. He can’t wait the day when he marry  that girl. In His imagine, the girl will be the most beautiful bride, she will walk down aisle on the arm of her father.

“I'm gonna marry your princess
And make her my queen
She'll be the most beautiful bride that I've ever seen
Can't wait to smile
When she walks down the aisle
On the arm of her father
On the day that I marry your daughter”

Kamis, 30 April 2015

Bandung Spot

The Main Square
"Alun-alun Bandung"
Hi guys! I want to tell you about some of Bandung Spot that I have visited. Bandung is cool city. Bandung has many place that can make you happy overthere. One reason why Bandung spot can make you happy is, some of Bandung spot has culinary Hehe. So if have money you will never hungry. Calmly, the food’s price is quite cheap. 

The first Bandung spot that I want to tell is, The main square of Bandung, we call that “Alun-alun Bandung”. The main square is center city. The main square located at Jalan Asia Afrika No.51, Regol Bandung Jawa Barat 4025. The area of the main square is 22700 m square. Now, the main square is different. Yes, Ridwan Kamil, our mayor  Bandung has changed The main square to be good place. The main square used to be dirty and untidy. He gives The main square changed like a magic. Before changed, The main square full of traders, so The main square became crowded, it made Alu-Alun untidy. now there is synthetic grass in the center of The main square, it makes green condition. The reason why Ridwan Kamil use synthetic grass is, because so many people will visit Alu-Alun, if The main square does’t use synthetic grass, the grass will be broken quickly. 
                                                      (Source : http://bandungreview.com)

Around 1 a month ago. I, my sister, and my mother visited the main square because my father want to Sholat Jumat at Masjid Agung mosque. While waited my father finished Sholat Jumat, we enjoyed the good main square. When I came to The main square, the visitor remove sandals or shoes when they want step on the synthetic grass. At that time, I didn’t see the regulation, maybe the people realize must keep The main square. GOOD. Around the main square, there are some flowers park. Many visitors, take a picture overthere. Included me. I will not published the picture, because is not good :(. The other activity is running, making joke, etc. The top tower of Masjid Agung there is place like football field. Wow, it will create football player (it’s too excessive hehe.).

In the parking lot,  there are traders. Don’t worry the traders is arranged neatly.

The History of The Main Square is, When the first time Bandung was built. Horse used to sent letter. At a certain distance, horse would be changed at Grote Postweg (jalan raya pos), and beside Grote Postweg there is the main square (Alun-alun Bandung). The main square has changed from year to year. And the new main square has been endorsed by Ridwan Kamil at 31 December 2014.

That’s all from me, next time I will pots the other Bandung spot.

Interviewed Inspiring Person

 P.1. The picture when I interviwed my mother

As you know, the child loves her mom, and Mom loves their child more. Mom never thinks herself,She Always makes her family being the most important. Yes, mom is inspiring woman, isn’t it? So when Miss Wiwin told their student must post interviwed with inspiring person, I chose my mother. interviwed my mother at 27 April 2015. In this interviwed I asked her about her life(being a housewife). 
My Mom is house wife. She has 3 children, named Farhan, Diana, and Diane. Her husband named Asep and He is a bussiness man. My mother has extra job. She must be like a mother for her family, and do housework by herself. She face many difficulties, like their children are naughty or the housework which are too much, but those are difficulties can disappear becaus love. She said that being a mother is the best experience. She become a powerful woman. She is stronger than before. I am happy to hear that, moreover when she said all the thing she has done with love J. Thankyou mom <3.  When I ask her what is the worst thing during she has family is, when her children didn’t follow her demand L. It can make her heart break L, but she forgave all that fault. 
Her activity is make a breakfast for her children at 4 o’clock. After that she drives a car for her children to their school, andthen she goes home and does some housework. When I go home, she has prepared lunch or dinner for me J.
When I asked her, “What do you think about Farhan, Diana, and Diane?”She just smile and said “I am very proud of my children, I hope you and your brother sister happy everyday” J. Just simple answer but can make me melted. My mother don’t know the technolgy, she always feel out of date. Hear that statement, I said to her, “I am happy have an out of date mother, because your time always focus on me or your family” J. Now, my mother is 45 years old, she often study about religion. She often connect the problem with religion, maybe that is one reason why my motehr happy to be house wife.
I don’t know, why my mother don’t feel lonely when we(me, father, brother, sister) go out. I often feel pity to her. As always , she always give me simple answer . “ I never feel lonely, becuase I have Allah who always besides me in every condition.” She explained. I asked her to give some message for me.  “You must sholat punctually, be the person who is loved by many people, be the smart person who can help the other, Don’t be arrogant, because Allah hates that nature.” Her message for me.

Minggu, 22 Februari 2015



Hallo Guuyys….I want to tell you about Dewa Athena 7.

Dewa Athena is “Olimpiade Siswa Siswi Ajang Unjuk Bakat dan Kemampuan”. That is sport competition for  10-11 grade in SMA NEGERI 3 BANDUNG. The first day is at 21 February 2015. We, 10 grader, must come at 6.15. and come together in Lapang Bali. 

I came earlier. I arrived at 6 o’clock. There was still a little people over there. I just met Iffa. She came earlier than me. We talked together. One by one my friend came, and became a lot of people. I saw the committee was very busy prepared Dewa Athena. Dewa Athena was started. There was opening from Teh Anisa (the leader of even), Pak Encang Iskandar (the leader of SMA NEGERI 3 BANDUNG), and Kang Yasril Mumtaz (The leader of OSIS SMA NEGERI 3 BANDUNG). The Anisa said that Dewa Athena is OSIS work in sport sector and she want Dewa Athena can run good. Pak Encang said that Dewa Athena 7 is the same time he takehold of principal at SMA NEGERI 3, and he said Dewa Athena is in management 1567 related to increase ability in sector sport. Kang Yasril said that Dewa Athena is refreshing moment when we have a lot of homework and test at SMA NEGERI 3, and he give us a traditional poetry, the point of that traditional poetry is, the important of this competition is we have tried not win or lose. Dewa Athena is legitimated by Makot Dewa Athena. I forgot the name of the Maskot, sorry… The Maskot run while brought torch which have been given by Pak Encang. MC of Dewa Athena are teh Nadya and Kang Firza, they were very good brought the event fun.The first activity is color run. We run from Lapang Bali-belitung-SMP Pasundan-ck merdeka-balkot-jawa-sumbawa-centrum-lapbal, when we entered Lapbal again, many committee give us color syringe. You know, my veil became colorfull, hahahah.
X IPA 3 after color run
The first sport competition is football between xii IPA 3 vs All Stars. All stars became a winner yeee congrats yaaa. And then was continued football girl between XII 5 VS X2. And this is the complete schedule at 21 February 2015:
Football girl : XII 5 VS X2
Dodgeball boy : X11 6 VS X6
Dodgeball putri : X 7 VS X2
Tarik Tambang : XII 2 VS X 5
Estafet : XI 1 VS X1
At Lapang Bali (Football)

Basket : X5 VS XII 4
Dodgeball boy : XI 9 VS X 8
Dodgeball girl : XI 2 VS XI 3
Tarik Tambang: X 4 VS XI 5
Estafet: X 3 VS X7

Football boy : Xii7 vs X1
Dodgeball boy : X 1 VS XI 8
Tarik Tambang : X 3 VS XII 4

Baket XI 2 VS XII 5
Badminton single: X 7 VS XI 6
Badminton double : X 4 VS X2
Tarik Tambang: X1 7 VS XI 9
Estafet: X 5 VS X 6

Football boy : XII 8 VS XI 1
Badminton single : XI 5 VS XI 9
Tarik tambang X 1 VS XII 6
Estafet : XI 4 VS XI 5

Basket : X 4 VS X 8
Badminton single : XI 1 VS XI 2
Estafet : XI 8 VS XI 9

Football girl : X 3 VS XI 4
Badminton double : XI 7 VS XI 3
Tarik tambang : X 6 VS XI 1

I played tarik tambang, and I have given all of my energy, but we were lose, sorry L. XI IPA 4 was very strong. They could attacked us just 2 round. X 3 When the first day Dewa Athena played Estafet, we lose too, but they (iffa, mahsa, reza, ilham) were good runner, They run fast. But the net disturb the runner so they lose.   I didn’t watch football girl, because I had extra study at GO. But my friend tell us they lose , whereas they played good, they ball position were 70%, maybe we weren’t luck.

I don’t know when the second day of Dewa Athena, I wish X IPA 3 can win in other sport. Lose is  common, we have tried and keep spirit X IPA 3.

Sabtu, 14 Februari 2015


Catatumbo Lightning

The Catatumbo Lightning (Spanish: Relámpago del Catatumbo) is an atmospheric phenomenon in Venezuela. It occurs only over the mouth of the Catatumbo River where it empties into Lake Maracaibo. The frequent, powerful flashes of lightning over this relatively small area are considered to be the world's largest single generator of tropospheric ozone.
It originates from a mass of storm clouds at a height of more than 5 km, and occurs during 140 to 160 nights a year, 10 hours per day and up to 280 times per hour. It occurs over and around Lake Maracaibo, typically over the bog area formed where the Catatumbo River flows into the lake.
After appearing continually for centuries, the lightning ceased from January to April 2010, apparently due to drought.This raised fears that it might have been extinguished permanently. The phenomenon reappeared after several months.

Location and formation mechanism

The Catatumbo lightning usually develops between the coordinates 8°30′N 71°0′W and 9°45′N 73°0′W. The storms (and associated lightning) are likely the result of the winds blowing across the Maracaibo Lake and surrounding swampy plains. These air masses inevitably meet the high mountain ridges of the Andes, the Perijá Mountains (3,750 m), and Mérida's Cordillera, enclosing the plain from three sides. The heat and moisture collected across the plains creates electrical charges and, as the air masses are destabilized at the mountain ridges, result in almost continual thunderstorm activity. The phenomenon is     characterized by almost continuous lightning, mostly within the clouds, which is produced in a large vertical development of clouds that form large electric arcs between 2 and 10 km in height (or more). The lightning tends to start approximately one hour after dusk.
Among the major modern studies there is the one done by Melchor Centeno, who attributes the origin of the thunderstorms to closed wind circulation in the region. Between 1966 and 1970, Andrew Zavrostky investigated the area three times, with assistance from the University of the Andes. He concluded that the lightning has several epicenters in the marshes of Juan Manuel de Aguas National Park, Claras Aguas Negras, and west Lake Maracaibo. In 1991 he suggested that the phenomenon occurred due to cold and warm air currents meeting around the area. The study also speculated that an isolated cause for the lightning might be the presence of uranium in the bedrock.
Between 1997 and 2000 Nelson Falcón conducted several studies, and produced the first microphysics model of the Catatumbo Lightning. He identified the methane produced by the swamps and the oil deposits in the area as a major cause of the phenomenon.It has been noted to have little effect on local flora such as ferns, despite concerns.

Historical references

The first written mention of the Catatumbo lightning was in the epic poem "La Dragontea" (1597) by Lope de Vega, which recounts the defeat of English raider Sir Francis Drake. The Prussian naturalist and explorer Alexander von Humboldt once described it as "electrical explosions that are like phosphorescent gleam." Italian geographer Agustin Codazzi described it as a "lightning that seems to arise from the continued Zulia river and its surroundings." The phenomenon became so celebrated that it was depicted in the flag and coat of arms of the state of Zulia, which contains Lake Maracaibo, and mentioned in the state's anthem. This phenomenon has been popularly known for centuries as the Lighthouse of Maracaibo, since it is visible for miles around Lake Maracaibo.
In February 2014, The Weather Channel featured an article stating that the Catatumbo Lightning phenomenon in Venezuela had made it into the Guinness Book of World Records for the most lightning strikes in one region at any given time.

Picture of Catatumbo Lightning


Illustration of How Catatumbo Lightning Happens

(Source: 1. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Catatumbo_lightning , 2. http://www.apakabardunia.com/2010/12/catatumbo-lightning-petir-dengan.html )

Kamis, 05 Februari 2015







- I make this advertisement with colorfull color to make it interested
- SAVEHANDPHONE is just simple name to make it remembered
- SAVEHANDPHONE beside Kopgur, because many students often buy food/beverage overthere
-It's free, because, many students have some difficult to waive their handphone, so SAVEHANDPHONE will run well, if it's free.
-The lamp means, you will be smart if your handphone are put at the SAVEHANDPHONE, because it will make yu focus to study